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PUC Case No. 21-3587-NMP-Site Visit-Petition of Norwich Upper Loveland Solar, LLC for a certificate of public good authorizing the installation and operation of a 500 kW (AC) group net-metering solar electric generation system in Norwich, Vermont

RE: Petition of Norwich Upper Loveland Solar, LLC. for a certificate of public good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §§ 248 and 8010, authorizing the installation and operation of a 500 kW (AC) group net-metering solar electric generation system in Norwich, Vermont

Before: The Vermont Public Utility Commission

Location: The solar array is located between a cell tower and the transmission corridor.

Walking access to the solar array location will begin at the cell tower access driveway, which is gated. The cell tower e-911 address is 201 Upper Loveland Road, Norwich. These coordinates may be helpful: 43.725342, -72.289842.

The Commission directs the applicant to clearly mark the limits of disturbance on the eastern slope of the Facility site. The applicant is directed to bring at least one large paper copy of the site plan to the site visit for the Commissioners to use for purposes of reference.

As a reminder, the purpose of a site visit is to provide the Commission with context for the evidence that has been filed in a case. Observations from the site visit are not evidence in the case, and the site visit is not an opportunity to make comments, objections, or arguments— whether to the Commission or to the other parties. The Commission will not engage in any substantive discussion about the proposed Facility during the site visit.


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