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Order issued by the Commission.

Order Clarifying Order re Certificates of Public Good and Governor's Emergency Declaration

In this Order, we clarify that our April 16, 2020, Order does not require that the Commission specifically designate a particular project as critical infrastructure for that project to continue construction. Our April 16, 2020, Order simply explained that the Governor’s Executive Order controls whether construction can proceed on projects that have a CPG.

Order re Certificates of Public Good and Governor's Emergency Declaration

In this order the Commission is reminding certificate of public good (“CPG”) holders that they may not engage in any action, including construction, that would otherwise be authorized by their CPGs if that action is in violation of any COVID-19-related Executive Order or addenda or agency guidance issued in response to such orders or addenda.

PUC Adopts Revisions to Filing Procedures for Requests to Attribute More Than One Net-Metering System to a Group

On September 25, 2019, the PUC adopted revised Procedures Applicable to Requests to Attribute More Than One Net-Metering System to a Group Pursuant to Commission Rule 5.129(E). The revisions implement Act 81 of 2019, which increased the amount of net-metering capacity that may be attributed to a school or school district, and now allow notice of requests to be provided to utilities using ePUC, instead of through the mail.
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