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Order Clarifying Order re Certificates of Public Good and Governor's Emergency Declaration

In this Order, we clarify that our April 16, 2020, Order does not require that the Commission specifically designate a particular project as critical infrastructure for that project to continue construction. Our April 16, 2020, Order simply explained that the Governor’s Executive Order controls whether construction can proceed on projects that have a CPG.

Order re Certificates of Public Good and Governor's Emergency Declaration

In this order the Commission is reminding certificate of public good (“CPG”) holders that they may not engage in any action, including construction, that would otherwise be authorized by their CPGs if that action is in violation of any COVID-19-related Executive Order or addenda or agency guidance issued in response to such orders or addenda.

Changes to Public Utility Commission Operations Due to COVID-19 Outbreak - Updated

This memorandum describes changes to the Public Utility Commission's operations as a result of the state of emergency due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus known as COVID-19. The changes are intended to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Vermont to protect vulnerable Vermonters while still enabling the Commission to fulfill its statutory functions in a timely manner. This updated memorandum clarifies that the Commission is postponing all site visits scheduled through the end of April pending further Commission order.
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