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PUC Report to Legislature on Act 174 Working Group Recommendations

This report summarizes the steps taken to make it easier for citizens to participate in the processes of the Vermont Public Utility Commission (Commission). It comes in response to Act 53 of 2017, which required a report to the Vermont Legislature by December 15, 2017, on progress made in implementing the recommendations of the “Access to Public Service Board Working Group,” which had been created by Act 174 of 2016 to review the quality of citizen participation in Public Service Board (now Commission) proceedings.

Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program Final Report to the Vermont Public Utility Commission

In 2016, Vermont’s Act 174 Working Group asked the Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC) to find ways to incorporate facilitation and mediation into its processes in order to promote increased ease of public participation. The PUC in turn asked the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program (HNMCP) to recommend an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system that could be used in PUC cases. This report presents the HNMCP's findings and recommendations.
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