Applications requesting a certificate of public good for a ground-mounted net-metering system with a capacity that is greater than 50 kW should use this document.
This document contains the final monitoring protocol required by Condition 30 of the amended CPG issued to the Deerfield Wind project (Docket 7250). It also contains complaint resolution procedures.
The May 8, 2018, memo from ePUC Project Manager Ann Bishop describes an easier way to obtain ePUC document numbers for inclusion on lists of pre-filed testimony and exhibits provided at evidentiary hearings.
The Vermont PUC mandatory biennial update of the Net-Metering Program shows that "adjustments are necessary to ensure that the net-metering program remains financially sustainable, with a balance between the pace of net-metering development and the program’s impact on electric rates."
One member of the public who attended the hearing stated that, while the overall rate reduction was appreciated, the 4 percent increase in the daily access and distribution charges afforded too high a rate-of-return for Vermont Gas System, Inc. and should instead be 1.8 percent, or more in line with inflation.
Public Hearing Transcript: April 11, 2018, in South Burlington, VT │Regarding the Tariff Filing of Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. for a Change in Rates and For Use of the System Expansion and Reliability Fund
PUC Case #18-0409-TF
This April 9, 2018, memo from PUC Chair Anthony Z. Roisman provides guidance regarding selecting the "Filed By" party (or parties) in ePUC when filing documents in an existing case.
The Public Utility Commission wants to make it easier for more diverse technologies to participate successfully in Vermont's Standard-Offer Program, which is reflected in this year's RFP set to be issued on April 2. Deadline for submissions is May 1, 2018.