PUC Case No. 24-3211-TF-Public Hearing-Village of Morrisville Water & Light Department/rate increase of 16.33%
RE: Tariff filing of Village of Morrisville Water & Light Department for an overall rate increase of 16.33% effective on service rendered on or after December 5, 2024
Before: Jacob Davis, Utilities Analyst
Location: via Go To Meeting videoconference. The Public Hearing will begin at 7:00 P.M., or immediately following a presentation at 6:30 P.M. hosted by the Vermont Department of Public Service where the Village of Morrisville Water & Light Department will describe the rate increase and be available to answer questions.
Participants and members of the public may access the public hearing online at https://meet.goto.com/729996397, or call in by telephone using the following information: phone number: +1 (571)317-3116; access code: 729-996-397. Participants may wish to download the GoToMeeting software application in advance of the hearing at https://meet.goto.com/install. Guidance on how to join the meeting and system requirements may be found at https://www.gotomeeting.com/online-meeting-support.