CANCELLED HEARING CONCLUDED 6/11/24- (PUC Case No. 23-3501-PET-Evidentiary Hearing-Petition of Green Mountain Power for approval of its zero outages initiative as a strategic opportunity
RE: Petition of Green Mountain Power for approval of its zero outages initiative as a strategic opportunity pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 218d and GMP’s multi-year regulation plan
Before: The Vermont Public Utility Commission
Location: via Go To Meeting videoconference
Participants and members of the public may access the evidentiary hearing online at, or call in by telephone using the following information: phone number: +1 (646) 749-3129; access code: 146-858-501. Participants may wish to download the GoToMeeting software application in advance of the hearing at Guidance on how to join the meeting and system requirements may be found at