PUC Case No. 19-4576-TF - *CANCELLED*-Evidentiary Hearing - Washington Electric Cooperative-Rate Increase
RE: Tariff filing of Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc. requesting an overall rate increase of 5.95%, to take effect on a service rendered basis January 1, 2020
BEFORE: Joan White, Utilities Analyst
LOCATION: The hearing will be held via GoToMeeting. The hearing will be recorded by a court reporter and will be open to the public.
Parties and members of the public may access the workshop online at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/287282829 or call in using the following information: Phone Number: +1 (646) 749-3112; Access Code: 998-232-413. Participants may wish to download the GoToMeeting software application in advance of the workshop at https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/287282829 Guidance on how to join the meeting and system requirements may be found at https://www.gotomeeting.com/meeting/online-meeting-support