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Status Conference

PUC Case No. 19-4582-PET - Status Conference re VELCO's Proposed New Haven Operations Facility

In Re: Petition of Vermont Transco LLC and Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc., for a certificate of public good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Section 248, authorizing the construction of the New Haven Operations Facility in New Haven, Vermont

Before Michael Tousley, Esq., Hearing Officer

The status conference will be conducted remotely using GoToMeeting videoconference.

Participants and members of the public may access the hearing online at, or call in by telephone using the following information: phone number: +1 (408) 650-3123; access code: 378-169-789. 

Participants may wish to download the GoToMeeting software application in advance of the hearing at

PUC Case No. 18-0537-INV - Status Conference - Re: Status of Repairs at GMP's Marshfield #6 Dam in Cabot

RE: In re status of maintenance repairs at Green Mountain Power Corporation's Marshfield #6 Dam in Cabot, Vermont

BEFORE: Micah Howe, Staff Attorney

LOCATION:  The Status Conference will be held via GoToMeeting.  The hearing will be recorded by a court reporter and will be open to the public. 

Participants and members of the public may access the status conference online at‌join/423928189, or call in by telephone using the following information: phone number: +1 (669) 224-3412; access code: 423-928-189.  Participants may wish to download the GoToMeeting software application in advance of the hearing at‌install/423928189.  Guidance on how to join the meeting and system requirements may be found at‌meeting/online-meeting-support.

PUC Case No. 20-0654-CC - Status Conference - CSD Consumer Complaint re: Hardwick Electric Dept.

RE: Complaint of CSD re Town of Hardwick Electric Department

BEFORE:  Michael Tousley, Staff Attorney

LOCATION:  The status conference will be held via GoToMeeting.  The hearing will be recorded by a court reporter and will be open to the public. 

The status conference will be held remotely using a web-based online platform.[1]  Participants and members of the public may access the hearing online at, or call in using the following information:  Phone Number:  +1 (571) 317-3122; Access Code:  517-037-493.  Participants may wish to download the GoToMeeting software application in advance of the hearing at  Guidance on how to join the meeting and system requirements may be found at


[1] Pursuant to V.R.C.P. 43.1(c)(5), because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission is waiving the 7-day requirement for notice of video hearings contained in V.R.C.P. 43.1(c)(3).  Any party that objects to the status conference being held remotely shall file its objection by June 9, 2020.


PUC Case No. 19-4582-PET Telephone Status Conference Re Petition of Vermont Transco LLC and Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc.

In Re: Petition of Vermont Transco LLC and Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc., for a certificate of public good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248, authorizing the construction of the New Haven Operations Facility in New Haven, Vermont

Before Michael Tousley, Esq., Hearing Officer

Location: Via telephone, call-in information

Telephone number: 1-631-992-3444

Participant pin: 4085308

PUC Case No. 17-3550-INV Telephone Status Conference re Investigation regarding the alleged failure of Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. to comply

In Re: Investigation pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §30 and 209 regarding the alleged failure of Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. to comply with the certificate of public good in Docket 7970 by burying the pipeline at less than required depth in New Haven, Vermont

Before: Michael Tousley, Staff Attorney

Via telephone. The call-in information is below:

Telephone number: 1-631-992-3444

Participant pin: 4085308

PUC Case No. 20-0276-PET Status Conference re Petition of GMP for its climate plan

In Re: Petition of Green Mountain Power for approval of its Climate Plan pursuant to the Multi-Year Regulation Plan proceeding May 24th, 2019 Final Order and 30 V.S.A. § 218d                                    

Before the Vermont Public Utility Commission Via telephone.

Call-in information: Phone number: 1-631-992-3444 Participant pin: 4085308

PUC Case No. 19-4576-TF Status Conference re Tariff filing of Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc.

In Re: Tariff filing of Washington Electric Cooperative requesting an overall rate increase of 5.95%, to take effect on a service rendered basis on January 1, 2020

Before Joan White, Hearing Officer

Via Telephone

See the following for the call-in information:

Telephone number: 1-631-992-3444

Participant pin: 4085308





In Re: Joint petition of Southern Vermont Cable Company (SVCC) and Comcast of Connecticut/Georgia/Massachusetts/New Hampshire/New York/North Carolina/Virginia/Vermont, LLC (Comcast) for authority to (1) sell substantially all of SVCC's assets to Comcast, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 109; (2) abandon SVCC's cable-television service in Vermont and revoke its Certificate of Public Good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 505; and (3) allow Comcast to own and operate SVCC's cable television system in Vermont, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §§ 503 and 504

Before: Micah Howe, Staff Attorney

As provided in the March 17, 2019, memorandum from Public Utility Commission Chair Roisman, the Commission is holding all scheduling conferences, status conferences, oral arguments, and workshops by teleconference or webinar until further notice.  Accordingly, the Status Conference scheduled in this case will be held only via teleconference.

Please use the following call-in information:

Telephone number: 1-877-273-4202

Participant Pin: 3530558

PUC Case No.19-3586-TF Telephone Status Conference re Green Mountain Power Electric Vehicle Charging Rates Tariff

In Re: Tariff filing of Green Mountain Power Corporation for approval to implement two new electric vehicle charging rates to be effective on bills rendered on or after November 4, 2019

Before: The Vermont Public Utility Commission

Via telephone. Please use the following call-in information:

Phone Number: 1-631-992-3444

Participant Pin: 3530558

PUC Case No. 19-3586-TF Evidentiary Hearing re Green Mountain Power Electric Vehicle Charging Rates Tariff

In Re: Tariff filing of Green Mountain Power Corporation for approval to implement two new electric vehicle charging rates to be effective on bills rendered on or after November 4, 2019

Before: The Vermont Public Utility Commission

The hearing will be conducted via GoToMeeting.

Participants and members of the public may access the hearing online at, or call in using the following information: Phone number: 646-749-3122; access code: 599-666-629.  Participants may wish to download the GoToMeeting software application in advance of the hearing at  Guidance on how to join the meeting and system requirements may be found at  Participants should become familiar with using GoToMeeting in advance of the hearing.

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