If a Certificate of Public Good (CPG) Holder has not complied with the terms and conditions of its CPG, the Commission has a range of tools to use in enforcement, including requests for information and inspections, and more formal procedures such as opening an official investigation, assessing penalties, and/or imposing requirements on the CPG Holder such as modification of the project.
You can file a complaint about non-compliance with a CPG with the Commission or with the Department of Public Service (Department) if you believe that a project has not been constructed or is not being operated in keeping with the conditions of the CPG issued by the Commission. If you file a complaint directly with the Commission, the Commission may refer your complaint to the Department for initial review. The Department handles CPG compliance complaints through its Consumer Affairs and Public Information (CAPI) Division.
For complaints filed with the Commission, a complaint may be filed in ePUC, in the case in which the CPG was issued, either as a public comment or, if the complainant is a party, as a formal filing. If the CPG case is no longer open, contact the Clerk of the Commission to request that the case be reopened. Alternatively, CPG compliance complaints may be filed as a general public comment in ePUC.
For complaints filed with the Department, the Department accepts complaints in writing, by e-mail, and by fax or telephone. Department CPG Complaint Protocol
The results of the Department’s investigation of CPG complaints may include informal resolution, mediated solutions, and written requests that CPG Holders comply with the terms and conditions of the CPG. The Department also has the authority to issue proposed citations that can be accepted or opposed by the CPG Holder. If these solutions do not work or the CPG Holder fails to comply with a written request to comply, the Department may initiate a filing about the complaint with the Commission.
If a complaint is referred to the Commission by the Department, or if a complaint is filed directly with the Commission, a formal proceeding may be opened, at which point the Commission will act as a court that hears evidence and issues an order that decides the case. Possible outcomes include monetary penalties and requirements that the CPG Holder do certain things to comply with the CPG or mitigate undesirable effects of non-compliance.
Wind Generation Facilities
Information for filing complaints about sound levels or winter operating conditions at wind generation facilities can be found at the following link: